Miss Madrid

Once in a while I think about my life in Madrid and must say I kinda miss it a bit.

Some years ago I went there on an exchange programme to study at the Nebrija University and stayed for 6 months.

I've made friends for life and will never forget how the city welcomed me with its warm climate, huge variety of shops, Sunday market El Rastro, bars and restaurants (like Los Gabrieles).

I need to confess, that studying was not the main part of my stay. Especially during the last few weeks, we had so little to do at the university that we went to the cinema almost every day. We also visited all outlet-stores in and around the city. So only fun, fun, fun!

Madrid, you will always have a part of my heart.

 Via: tcbi, pinterest, everydaymusings, virtualtourist and wikipedia 


  1. your photos are so beautiful!looks like a great city,it's normal to miss it :)

  2. beautiful pics!! i haven 't been to Madrid in ages too; the last time I was about six, but that is because I was mostly in my Hometown of Zaragoza…. I remember how frightening it was for me , seeing so many "Tall" people packed in one place :)
    Can you speak a little Spanish??

  3. Si puedo hablar Espanol, pero, un poquito :-) X

  4. i've always wanted to go to madrid some day I will. Great pictures!
    Farrah's Muse

  5. Tu Español no esta mal :)

  6. El placer es mio :) by the way what the name of the Plaza and/ or rastrillo that appears on your last picture?

  7. Last picture is of El Rastro, like the fourth picture, it's the huge Sunday market. :-)


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