My Handbag Essentials

1. Ray Ban Clubmaster, 2. Elizabeth Arden Lip Balm, 3. I Phone 4S, 4. Avene Hand Creme, 5. Moleskine Notebook,          6. Water Bottle, 7. And Other Stories Wallet, 8. Pocket Mirror, 9. Louis Vuitton Pen, 10. Tissues

As you can see, I carry around some serious stuff... To be honest, my handbag essentials look kind of boring.. But I tried to stay close to the truth.  The only item I don't have would be the Louis Vuitton pen. I just thought it looked pretty, at least prettier than the regular Big pen I carry around. 

Then, there is the bag...! The Handbag guide on the Rue La La blog helped me to figure out what kind of bag would be perfect for me. That turned out to be the Satchel. So now, I'm saving for a Mulberry bag. 
What about you? Are you saving/craving for a particular bag? I would love to hear!



  1. Great picks, Mandy! And thanks so much for such a lovely comment on non-career advice — made my day!

    1. Ah, wow (blushing big time here!!!), thanks so much for your reply Shoko! You are a true inspiration!


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